
Programs that Support
All programs at the Markham FHT are managed by Lisa Ruddy, RN our Clinical Program Manager. Lisa has worked at Markham FHT since 2003 and is responsible for the development and ongoing evaluation of each program. For general questions , or other program inquiries, Lisa can be reached at
Our Group Programs
Mental wellbeing groups are open to adults (18+) who are patients of the Family Health Team (FHT) or community members who are not associated with the FHT. A brief screening process is necessary prior to enrolling in any group to ensure that it is the best fit for you.
Please contact Megan Breithaupt if interested in registering:
Megan Breithaupt, Program Administrator, Markham Family Health Team
(905) 471.9999 ext. 267 and leave a voicemail
Taking Control of Your Mood
Would you like to feel more in control of your happiness, stress levels and worry?
This is an 8-week psychoeducational group that provides participants a variety of tools to help manage anxiety, low mood, depression and stress. This group is based on the principles of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), and helps individuals become aware of unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviours that can contribute to and prolong struggles with mood.
Topics: Understanding Emotions, Catching your Thoughts, Checking your Thoughts, Creating Rational and Balanced Thoughts, Recognizing and Changing Unhelpful Behaviours, Mindfulness, Self-Care, Maintenance for the Future
Offered: Spring, Fall, Winter – evenings or daytime offered (2h in length)
ACT for Anxiety and Depression
Would you like to begin to live your life based more on your values, and less at the mercy of your emotions?
This is an 8-week experiential group based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Participants learn to relate differently to anxious feelings, depressed moods, worrying minds, and self-defeating behaviours. Through discussions and mindfulness-based practices, participants explore bringing an open and willing attitude towards their uncomfortable thoughts and feelings (acceptance) and work on actively moving towards what they truly care about in spite of those feelings (commitment).
Topics: Being in the Present Moment, Getting Stuck with our Thoughts, Making Room for Pain, Values, The Observing Self, Committed Action, Psychological Flexibility, Moving Forward
Offered: Spring, Fall, Winter – evenings or daytime offered (2h in length)
Mood Walks
Would you like to get outside and get moving with like-minded community members?
A 6-week program to support participants’ mental health through exposure to the healing effects of being in nature, engaging in physical activity, and socializing in a supportive setting. Each week the group meets at a different trail in York Region for a 1-hour walk guided by two Social Workers.
Offered: Spring, Fall – daytime (1h in length)
CBT for Insomnia
Do you struggle with chronic sleep issues or rely on medications to get some rest?
This 6-week psychoeducational group guides participants through the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia. Quality of sleep and emotional wellbeing are intertwined, and this group teaches participants tools to address issues with sleep as well as the emotions associated with sleeplessness. Learn common misconceptions about sleep, develop strategies to restructure stressful thoughts that keep you awake, develop relaxation skills, examine your habits around sleep that may be counterproductive, and complete a weekly sleep journal to develop your own unique sleep prescription to promote enhanced quality of sleep.
Offered: Spring, Fall, Winter – evenings or daytime offered (2h in length)
Caring for the Caregiver
Are you a caregiver for an individual with a chronic health condition?
Caregiving can feel like a full-time job, but it is important to take care of yourself in order to stay resilient for your loved one. Many caregivers feel isolated and experience difficult emotions such as grief, frustration, overwhelm and resentment. This 6-week group creates a supportive environment amongst caregivers to focus on their own wellbeing, and discusses important topics such as community resources, helpful communication strategies, dealing with difficult emotions, setting healthy limits, and asking for help.
Offered: as per demand (90min in length)
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
If you have a history of a chronic health issue(s) that has impacted your physical and mental health, this workshop can help to enhance your care. The Stanford University’s evidence-based Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is a 6 week workshop designed to teach self-management skills in a group setting to better manage the common symptoms associated with having a chronic health issue. The targeted symptoms include poor sleep, pain, stress/anxiety, depression, difficult emotions, fatigue, shortness of breath, and physical limitations. For further details or registration, please call the office at 905.471.9999 extension 309 or email
Offered: as per demand
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
This 6 week program is suitable for individuals who have a history of chronic pain. In this evidence-based program, you will learn strategies to break the chronic pain symptom cycle which often involves poor sleep, muscle tension, limited movement, difficulty breathing, stress/anxiety, difficult emotions, depression, and fatigue. The program aims to empower individuals with self-management tools to tackle the daily challenges of having chronic pain and regaining control over their lives. This program has been developed in collaboration between Stanford University, McGill University and Memorial University. For further details or registration, please call the office at 905.471.9999 extension 309 or email or phone: 905.471.9999 ext 267 and leave a voicemail
Offered: 1-2 times per year
Healthy You
This is a 6 week virtual education program that helps people achieve better health and wellness through good food choices, increased physical activity and feeling better about themselves. Facilitated by a registered dietitian and social worker, each 90 minute session serves to explore ways participants can modify their lifestyle choices so that they can feel their best.
Offered: 2 times per year
Heart Smart Program
Do you have high cholesterol? Are you looking for ways to examine your diet and improve your cholesterol levels? This 1.5h education session was designed by the Registered Dietitian and provides a dietary approach to lowering cholesterol and blood lipid levels. The session provides coaching in key areas such as dietary fat and cholesterol intake including omega-3 and trans fats, fiber, soy, supplements, exercise, alcohol, and eating out. The small group format (maximum 15 participants) is a great atmosphere to have your individual needs and concerns addressed.
Offered: 3 times per year
Pre-Diabetes Education Class
Did you know that diet and lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by up to 60%? If your blood sugars are high or if you have been told you have pre-diabetes, this class explains what you can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
The 1.5h session is run by our Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator and covers the following:
• Risk factors for developing pre-diabetes and diabetes
• The best food choices, portions and timing to keep your blood sugars and energy stable through the day
• What type and how much activity to include every week
Offered: 3 times per year
50+ Wellness Workshop
Have you ever wondered if your health needs change after the age of 50? This fast-paced 1.5h information session is presented by our Registered Dietitian, Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist and Clinical Pharmacist. Participants age 50-69 have plenty of opportunity to ask wellness-related questions of the panel.
Offered: once per year, usually in the New year
Other Clinical Programs
At the Markham Family Health Team, patients have access to our team of interdisciplinary health professionals, who work to support quality primary health care. This team consists of: Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurse, Registered Practical Nurses, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Pharmacist, Registered Dietitian, Chiropodist, Social Workers, Certified Diabetes Educator.
All team members facilitate various clinical programs, through booked appointments (in-person or virtual)
Acute Care
Same-day appointments are available for acute or urgent health needs. Patients are asked to respect the spirit and intent of these appointments, which are managed Monday to Friday by nurse practitioners and physicians. Please call 905.471.9999
Patients on warfarin can access the clinical pharmacist or RN, in office, for point-of-care (POC) INR testing and management. Please call 905.471.9999
Cervical Cancer Screening
For your convenience, Pap testing can be booked with your usual health care provider, nurse practitioner, or nurse. Please call 905.471.9999
Diabetes Management
Our diabetes care team is led by a Certified Diabetes Educator with support from the Clinical Pharmacist and Chiropodist. In-person and virtual appointments are available. Please call 905.471.9999 or email
Influenza Program
Flu shots are available through coordinated evening and daytime flu clinics, typically in the month of October and November. Click here in October for announcements and posting of clinic times.
Guided Self Change
Patients can self-refer to this program, developed for people with mild-moderate alcohol usage, who would like to increase control over drinking behaviours and reduce or eliminate alcohol usage. This program consists of 1:1 session(s) with one of our nurse practitioners.
Markham FHT advocates for routine vaccination, travel vaccines, and specific vaccines like Gardasil, to protect against disease. Our nurses, physicians or nurse practitioners are the resource people to talk to, to ensure you understand the risks and benefits of immunization. Click here for the provincial immunization schedule.
Medication Reconciliation Program
Have you been recently discharged from a hospital? If so, then you may have your medications reconciled and reviewed by the pharmacist before you see your primary care provider. At the visit, your health record will be updated to reflect any changes in medications. If booking an appointment after being discharged from the hospital, feel free to ask about this program if it hasn’t already been offered to you. Call 905.471.9999 or email
Smoking Cessation Program
Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP), is a program designed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and funded by the MOHLTC, to help patients quit smoking. The program provides free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers) to patients who smoke and are registered with the Markham FHT. One-on-one counselling sessions are also provided to patients who enroll in the program. If you would like more information on how to STOP smoking, please call 905.471.9999 or email
Eating Disorders (ED) Bridge Program
The goal of the Eating Disorders Bridge Program is to offer short-term support to patients waiting for treatment at a community eating disorders program, by monitoring the health of the patient to prevent further medical instability.
Eligible patients must meet the following criteria:
- Patient must be on a wait list for a community ED Program
- Patient must meet that program’s eligibility criteria
- Patient agrees to transfer to that program once the space becomes available
Patients must be referred to the Eating Disorders Bridge Program by their primary care provider.
Time to Thrive Program
Supports seniors determined to age in place and live independently for as long as they can, using a team-based care model to address their needs and optimize care. This includes assessment, planning care with patients and caregivers, and related follow up. With a focus on wellness, issues that may affect healthy aging (such as falls risk, polypharmacy, lack of stimulation/isolation including mood and cognition screening) are assessed. Please email or call 905.471.9999 ext 267 and leave a voicemail for more information.